Calculate UP Distance Displacement for 3D Infinity Runner Game
Hi guys, I'm a little noob with programming and need some help with an issue. I'm doing an infinity runner 3D space shooter where my character only moves on the Y Up axis and can rotate his spaceship...
View ArticleWhy does the console show count for animator?
In the console there is a count that is going upwards. I narrowed it down to 1 game object and 1 script. It is the animator game component. Turning this on and off turns the count on and off S I was...
View ArticleGetting the amount of triangles and vertices being rendered by the camera ?
I want to try something unusual. I want to change the camera clipping values based on the amount of vertices and triangles being rendered on the screen. My question is how can I get the amount of...
View ArticleCompare Variable in Element X in List?
I have a strength stat setup in a Manager script that is using that variable to affect other variables and functions. Right now I'm trying to work out a weight limit with weapons so that it checks your...
View ArticleVertex count is 30 times higher in Unity
Hi, I have a simple scene in Unity, with some models, a directional light and a reflection probe. Maya says that there are about 24k verts. We have our own engine, and it says 35k verts (it takes into...
View Articlecounting of two different objects
Hello there. I created two separate objects. When I press the A button, I hit the basketball and when I press the K key, the capsule falls. I've set an area and I want to keep the number of basketball...
View Articlegameobjects don't add to count when destroyed
In my game, the enemies have to get to the 'trigger' and if they get there the count will go up by 1 but when they get destroyed the count doesn't go up at all. I don't know what's happening and I'm...
View ArticleHow to count red colored tiles on my floor?
Hello, My game is 2D. ![alt text][1]I have a flor made out of arond 800 black colored tiles. When player1 moves over them they change to red. How do I count the number of tiles that have been...
View ArticleRigidbody2D.attachedColliderCount question C#
Is it possible to use this Rigidbody2D.attachedColliderCount to actually count the rigidbodies attached to a sphere? I would like to be able to have a sphere and then hit it with another sphere and...
View ArticleHow to count Tiles in a sourinding Area around an Object?
I want a object ,that is locked to grid ,to count all tiles, called "field",surounding it with a radius of 3 and than add to a public float called "grain"... roughly like this: void Update() {...
View ArticleList give a count of zero when it have 1 element
Like this photo show ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/137906-list.png the list is showing Count zero when is clear that it have 1 element in it. I have the script execution order set before the script...
View ArticleHow to check if player is re-entering the same trigger?
Good day everybody! I have a question about the correct logic for the next trigger: In case A (image below): The trigger in the scene is enabling light each time the player enters the trigger. There're...
View ArticleConvert code to get prefab then sprite ?
How to convert this code to get prefab or FPS model rather then a sprite image. i try to write gameobject but it doesn't work ?,how we can convert this code to get PREFAB or FBS model rather then...
View ArticleFinding the amount of polygons being displayed.
Hello, I am currently developing for Oculus quest and my experience is lagging. I would like to know when it starts to lag (at how many rendered polygons). I am wondering if someone knows away of...
View Articlemany collisions while holding an item
Hello all, I'm sending a massage to the log file when I pick an Item with HTC Vive controller. in my log file I get this: Picked item, name : AppleRed at: 6/25/2017 5:43:17 PM Picked item, name :...
View ArticleC# How Add new score to old score in update function
**I have been struggling to get my head round to adding my new score to the old score in update function with Mathf.move towards but not work! score increase to infinity, I use bool, while, limited...
View ArticleScoring bug error with 2 int variables
Hello, I have a small error occurring when trying to add 2 int variables. I have 1 collider on the player game object & a trigger on each of the gameobject that need to pass thru for scoring. the...
View ArticleGet the amout of objects in a given position
Hi, I wanted to know how to get the amount of objects that are in a given position. For example, if the position wold be 0, 2, 5 then it would give me the number of objects at this exact point. Does...
View ArticleHow can i decrease lives?
Hello, i'm currently making a 2D platform game. So far i have a script for character movement, item collection and enemy movement. In terms of interface, i have a system of three lives with heart...
View ArticleHow I randomise a list of audio clips in Unity and remove it from the list...
I have 4 audio clips. When I play a press a certain button in Unity, the data is sent to MAX/MSP and the audio is played. I created a list a signals (As shown below in the code). What I want is that,...
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