This code shows me seconds and miliseconds after game started. What should I...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class TimerScript : MonoBehaviour { public Text timerText; private float secondsCount; private int count; // Use this for...
View ArticleWhy is my highScore counting from 10 , not from 0 ??? Thanks in advance :))
using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; public class idemmosc : MonoBehaviour { public float speed = 4f; public Rigidbody2D rb; private float movement = 3f; static int score = 0; static int...
View ArticleWhy my counting method is stucked on the beginning?
Hello, I hava created script to count goals, but the text is stucked on 0 even if i it should be 1 or more. Thanks for help :) private int score1; public Text score1Text; // Use this for initialization...
View Articlemany collisions while holding an item
Hello all, I'm sending a massage to the log file when I pick an Item with HTC Vive controller. in my log file I get this: Picked item, name : AppleRed at: 6/25/2017 5:43:17 PM Picked item, name :...
View ArticleHow to Update a score count going up and down
Hi I'm trying to make it so that when a ball hits the ground, the score count goes down by 1. I already have it where if the ball hits a moving box, then the score count goes up by 1, which is fine....
View ArticleList Size Changes Without Removing Elements
Extremely weird issue. I declare a List of ints and add to it. Later on, after one of the values in the list becomes 0, that specific item is removed. However, I've noticed that the value for the list...
View ArticleHit 87k methods after adding Facebook SDK - help
Hello! I am trying to make all-in-one lib for my work that includes ads sdk, fb sdk, analytics sdk and play game services. Before adding facebook SDK (which was the last sdk) everything works perfectly...
View Articlewhat do i have to fix on my script so the GUI TEXT i added counts and doesnt...
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public bool facingRight = true;...
View Articlei'm beginner in unity ! my problem is i can't count the number of zombie...
#pragma strict var ZombieHealth : int = 100 ; function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) { if ( col.gameObject.tag == "Bullet") { ZombieHealth -= 25 ; } } function Update () { if ( ZombieHealth <=...
View ArticleCount stops counting after first count.
So I have made a pinball type game with 2 balls and about 40 coins. On each coin I have a script that I will link to the post. However after a ball collides with the first coin it will set the...
View ArticleSo how do I fix Count error?
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class Scriptsphere : MonoBehaviour{ private Rigidbody rb; private int count; public Text...
View ArticlePHOTON "Count Of players" not working for Client 1?
Hey gang, I have a small problem with my game, everything seems to work find except with Client 1. the first client to load stays on "Waiting for Players to Join" when the Second Client connects Client...
View ArticleHow to count instantiated objects that passes a given point...
My instantiated objects move up and user touch to destroy them. I want to count intantiated objects that passes a spesific point. (i want to count how many objects user missed ) So that when counting...
View Articlehow to count spins of the object 2d C sharp ?
can someone please share some code showing easy way how to detect and count back/ front flips ? I am not pro in c Sharp just starting now and whatever I found online up until this moment dosent help me...
View ArticleArray that I am using in a IEnumerator parameter does not contain a...
Hello I am following this tutorial for Wave Spawning in my game: [link text][1] [1]: I did everything as is done in the tutorial and for some...
View ArticleWhy only one element is displayed by count when the list has 5 elements in...
I made a list of 5 GameObjects and they are being displayed in the hierarchy(inactive though) and the print statement tells that it has 5 elements. But when I call the GetPlatform method from another...
View ArticleKeeping score when object clicked and destroyed
I'm having problems keeping score when destroying objects when they are clicked. I think its because of the clones I'm generating. using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using...
View Articlecount score start 0
i create game, when a ball touch a object score.text show the score=10 but i have a problem when the game is over and i start again to play the ball when touch object its start score 10 again etc i...
View ArticleHow to increase Value of for example "gold" every second?
Hello, thank you for taking time for my question! I want to create a small game that has a small simple economy. Every second, for example, the value ' Gold ', which is represented as text, has to be...
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