counting the buttons clicks
Hi, I have this code that counts every click i make and after 16 clicks changes the scene(wich i want) using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Counter : MonoBehaviour { int counter=0;...
View ArticleHow to add score when destroy another player with Raycast?
I making some multiplayer deathmatch game that is playing on the same keyboard shared by 3 players. **I want to make some scoring sistem, but i dont know:** -How could i check which player have...
View Articlecount how many gameobjects (with childiren) are in trigger?
Hey! I somehow cant figure out how i can count the amount of gameobjects (characters) insider a trigger. since its a character, it has many child objects. how can i count them? thanks!
View ArticleIm Trying To Access count int from another script ?
The Script Where The "count" int is. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { public float speed; public Text countText; public...
View ArticleMobile Game: How much Tris Count is too much?
I'm making a low poly 3D environment (islands,trees,grass,rocks, and caves) for a mobile game and I was wondering if what is the optimal tris count for a mobile game to run smoothly? I'm using Blender...
View ArticleHow to count child dynamically?
I know that using transform.childCount will print the number of child in a parent. but it only prints one. How to will I know the number of children when it is dynamically changing at a runtime? here's...
View ArticleCode to replace the "count" commands in C# for text.
I am making a an app similar to [this]( "title"). In the 8th video, a scoring feature is added. Is there anyway...
View Articlehow to count points for a water bottle flip game
I do not know how to count score when the bottle did a flip and lands on his back. I tried to compare rotation angles but it didnt work . i also tried with collision same issues . any help or...
View Articlemultiple score counts UI
Hi, I have a game where a roll a ball collides with 3 different types of collectible assets and I want the representative numbers of each asset to be shown on the UI. For example: collectible 1: (the...
View ArticleCode to replace the count commands in C# for text.
I am making a an app similar to [this]( A scoring feature is added. Is there anyway to edit that code so instead of counting every time an object...
View ArticleThis code shows me seconds and miliseconds after game started. What should I...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class TimerScript : MonoBehaviour { public Text timerText; private float secondsCount; private int count; // Use this for...
View ArticleWhy is my highScore counting from 10 , not from 0 ??? Thanks in advance :))
using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; public class idemmosc : MonoBehaviour { public float speed = 4f; public Rigidbody2D rb; private float movement = 3f; static int score = 0; static int...
View ArticleWhy my counting method is stucked on the beginning?
Hello, I hava created script to count goals, but the text is stucked on 0 even if i it should be 1 or more. Thanks for help :) private int score1; public Text score1Text; // Use this for initialization...
View Articlemany collisions while holding an item
Hello all, I'm sending a massage to the log file when I pick an Item with HTC Vive controller. in my log file I get this: Picked item, name : AppleRed at: 6/25/2017 5:43:17 PM Picked item, name :...
View ArticleHow to Update a score count going up and down
Hi I'm trying to make it so that when a ball hits the ground, the score count goes down by 1. I already have it where if the ball hits a moving box, then the score count goes up by 1, which is fine....
View ArticleList Size Changes Without Removing Elements
Extremely weird issue. I declare a List of ints and add to it. Later on, after one of the values in the list becomes 0, that specific item is removed. However, I've noticed that the value for the list...
View ArticleHit 87k methods after adding Facebook SDK - help
Hello! I am trying to make all-in-one lib for my work that includes ads sdk, fb sdk, analytics sdk and play game services. Before adding facebook SDK (which was the last sdk) everything works perfectly...
View Articlewhat do i have to fix on my script so the GUI TEXT i added counts and doesnt...
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public bool facingRight = true;...
View Articlei'm beginner in unity ! my problem is i can't count the number of zombie...
#pragma strict var ZombieHealth : int = 100 ; function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) { if ( col.gameObject.tag == "Bullet") { ZombieHealth -= 25 ; } } function Update () { if ( ZombieHealth <=...
View ArticleCount stops counting after first count.
So I have made a pinball type game with 2 balls and about 40 coins. On each coin I have a script that I will link to the post. However after a ball collides with the first coin it will set the...
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